The first point of contact between the environment and our body~ Skin.

3 min readSep 9, 2021


SKIN- The first point of contact between the environment and our body!

Our skin plays an important role in protecting our body from the outside world and it should be as healthy as the body. It protects our body from getting sick and prevents any damage to bones, muscles and internal organs. Skin gives clues for any problem which strikes us. As skin acts as the first line of defence for anything foreign to the body, it is imperative that we take good care of it. Self-care for skin should be a priority along with timely check-ups with skincare experts to keep a check is suggested.

Skin diseases are common all over the world and the most common skin condition is acne, affecting approx 90% of people during their lifespan.

Acne is most persistent with teenagers but not limited to them, even adults get affected by adult acne. The blackheads and pimples make them feel embarrassed and bad about their appearance. Acne isn’t serious but severe cases can cause scars that will last for years.

There are common misconceptions that chocolates, junk food, etc are the reason for acne but foods don’t have much effect on acne. In fact, stress or dirt is also not the main cause for acne but it can worsen the acne. Acne is a common skin problem caused by bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) which is already present on our skin. Sometimes, when the follicles get clogged by oil and the dead skin cells on which bacteria thrive, the spot on skin may hurt, become red, hot and swollen. Eventually, the walls of those follicles break down and spill the oil skin cells, and bacteria are released into nearby skin and a pimple forms.

A good skincare routine can help to get rid of all the problems pertaining to bacterial infections & breakouts. Cleansing, serums, moisturizer and sunscreen can be used as a preventative measure.

Benzoyl peroxide-based products are available around us which remove excess oil from the skin and dead skin cells. But this can be unsafe to the skin as Benzoyl peroxide causes severe itching, pain, burning, sometimes peeling of skin or redness. It is essential to choose skincare products according to skin type.

There is, however, a safe and effective way for skincare that comes with Molecular Iodine (I2) based formulations. Molecular Iodine (I2) is a well trusted antiseptic agent which is active against a broad spectrum of microorganisms that effectively kills acne-causing bacteria providing a preventive and curative effect on skin health. The low toxicity level and excellent allergy profile of molecular iodine (I2) make it all the more efficient for chronic use as a topical application. Moreover, molecular iodine (I2) doesn’t have any side effects upon application, and so far there are no known bacteria that show resistance to it. I2-based products rely on the antimicrobial mechanisms of molecular iodine (I2) as an active ingredient.

Acne Cleanser and Acne Cure Lotion are products specifically created to help maintain skin health and fight off the problem of acne faced by many of us at least once in our lifetime. The main component in Acne cleanser specifically works on opening the pores in the skin leading to an enhanced delivery/absorption of molecular iodine into the skin providing a more effective and persistent antimicrobial effect. This effect leads to a deeper cleansing of the skin thereby killing even the residual microbes that remain on the skin causing acne breakouts later.

Skincare products rich in Molecular Iodine are a good choice to play safe for yourself and stay glowing with good skin.

~ Himanshi Sharma, Writer & Artist




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